
发布时间:2015-09-26文章来源:暂无 浏览次数:



* 联系方式:

   Tel: +86-537-4453130(O);Email: zhuwancheng@tsinghua.org.cn

   Add.: 山东省曲阜市静轩西路57号,曲阜师范大学双男各种play润滑剂车化学工程教研室(邮编:273165) 

* 讲授课程:


* 受教育经历:

   2004/09 – 2008/06  清华大学化学工程系,工学博士,导师朱慎林/向兰教授

   1999/09 – 2002/06  北京化工大学化学工程学院,工学硕士,导师陈建峰教授/王玉红副教授     

   1991/09 – 1995/06  浙江大学化学工程系,工学学士,恩师黄有慧副教授

* 研究工作经历:

   2013/12 – 至今    曲阜师范大学,双男各种play润滑剂车化学工程系,教授

   2012/09 – 至今    曲阜师范大学化学工程系兼化学工程教研室主任

   2010/08 – 2012/08  清华大学,化学系,博士后,合作导师王训教授

   2002/07 – 2013/11  曲阜师范大学,双男各种play润滑剂车,讲师、副教授

   1995/07 – 1999/08  鲁抗医药股份有限公司,工艺员

* 主要荣誉:

   2015  曲阜师范大学优秀研究生指导教师

   2014  曲阜师范大学优秀共产党员

   2014  “曲园先锋”

   2014  曲阜师范大学优秀工会积极分子

   2008  壳牌优秀博士科研成果奖(2/40)

   2008  清华大学优秀博士学位论文二等奖(2/38)

   2002  北京化工大学优秀毕业研究生、优秀硕士学位论文

   1995  浙江大学优秀毕业生 

* 科研兴趣、经历、自我学术评价



* 学术兼职

现为曲阜师范大学第八届学术委员会委员,中国颗粒学会第二届青年理事会青年理事,中国化学会会员,中国科技核心期刊《盐业与化工》常务编委,并曾应邀多次为国际期刊J. Mater. Chem. A, Green Chem., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Chem. Eng. J., CrystEngComm, New J Chem., RSC Advances, J. Alloys and Compd., Powder Technol., Mater. Lett., Particuology, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, Vacuum, J. Nanosci. Nanotech., Chem. Eng. Comm., Energy Conversion & Management,《化工学报》等国际国内知名期刊审稿,并曾担任J. Nanomaterials专刊Low-Dimensional Inorganic Nanofunctional Materials: Design, Assembly, and Application for Chemical Engineering (I)客座编辑。

* 承担课题





* 科研成果

    NanoEnergy, J. Mater. Chem. A, Carbon, Chem. Eng. J., Cryst. Growth & Des., CrystEngComm, RSC Adv., Nanoscale Res. Lett., Mater. Lett., Powder Technol., J. Cryst. Growth, Chem. Lett. 化学物理学报,化工学报,高校化学工程学报,材料科学与工艺等国内外知名期刊发表学术论文51篇;SCI收录 43篇,其中第一或通讯作者31篇;第一作者EI收录论文5篇;第一或通讯作者国际国内学术会议论文22篇,其中EI收录 1篇,并于2006 8月间先后赴日本仙台、捷克布拉格进行国际会议交流,20136月赴墨西哥坎昆参加国际会议并做邀请报告,20156-7月赴新加坡参加国际学术会议交流并做报告;申请发明专利11项,授权 5项。


[51] Chen, X.P.; Zhang, L.L.; Zhang, Z.Q.; Zhu, L.; Zhu, W.C.* Hierarchical Ba2(B5O9)Cl·(H2O)0.5 microspheres: surfactant-assisted facile hydrothermal synthesis, Tb3+ doping and photoluminescent properties. CrystEngComm., 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5CE01273B. (SCI. IF=4.034) (21276141)

[50] Zhang, Z.Q.; Zhang, H.*; Zhu,L.; Zhang, Q.; Zhu, W.C.* Hierarchical porous Ca(BO2)2 microspheres: Hydrothermal-thermal conversion synthesis and their applications in heavy metal ions adsorption and solvent-free oxidation of benzyl alcohol. Chem. Eng. J. 2016, 283, 1273-1284. (SCI. IF=4.321) (21276141)

[49] Zhang, H.*; Wang, T.; Zhu, W.C.*. Controllable hydrothermal synthesis of star-shaped Sr3Fe2(OH)12 assemblies and their thermal decomposition and magnetic properties. Particuology. 2015 (SCI. IF=2.11) (21276141, Accepted)

[48] 朱万诚*,张恒,周迪,张雨强. 打造温馨科研之家,促师范院校工科专业人才培养.曲阜师范大学学报(自然科学版)2015, 41(3), 115-11821276141.

[47] Zhu, L.; Peng, H.-J.; Liang, J.; Huang, J.-Q.*; Chen, C.-M.; Guo, X.; Zhu,W.C.*; Li, P.; Zhang, Q.* Interconnected carbon nanotube/graphene nanosphere scaffolds as free-standing paper electrode for high-rate and ultra-stable lithium-sulfur batteries. Nano Energy, 2015, 11, 746-755. (SCI. IF=10.325) (21276141)

[46] Zhang, Z.Q.; Zhu,W.C.*; Wang, R.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, L.; Zhang, Q.* Ionothermal confined self-organization for hierarchical porous magnesium borate superstructures as high efficient adsorbents for dye removal. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2014, 2 (45), 19167 - 19179. (SCI. IF=7.443) (21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05)Inside Front Cover

[45] Zhang, L.L.; Zhu,W.C.*; Zhang,H.;Bi,S.W.; Zhang,Q.* Hydrothermal-thermal conversion synthesis of hierarchical porous MgO microrods as efficient adsorbents for lead (II) and chromium (VI) Removal. RSC Adv. 2014, 4(58), 30542-30550. (SCI. IF=3.84) (21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05)

[44] Cui, X.L.; Liu, T.; Zhang, Z.Q.; Wang, L.; Zuo, S.Q.; Zhu,W.C.* Hematite nanorods with tunable porous structure: facile hydrothermal-calcination route synthesis, optical and photocatalytic properties. Powder Technology, 2014266,113-119 (SCI. IF=2.349) <工程类三区>(21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05)

[43] Zhu, L.; Zhu,W.C.*; Cheng, X.-B.; Huang, J.-Q.; Peng, H.-J.; Yang, S.-H.; Zhang, Q.*. Cathode Materials Based on Carbon Nanotubes for High Density Lithium-sulfur Batteries. Carbon 2014,75,161-168. (SCI. IF=6.196) <工程类一区>(21276141)

[42] 张照强; 朱万诚*. 一维纳米硼酸盐研究进展:从基础热力学到工程实践. 化工学报 201465(7):2588-2619(综述). (21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05)

[41] Zhu,W.C.*; Wang, R.G.; Zhu, S.L.; Zhang, L.L.; Cui, X.L.; Zhang, H.; Piao, X.L.; Zhang, Q.*Green Noncorrosive and Easy Scale-Up Hydrothermal-Thermal Conversion: a Feasible Solution to Mass Production of Magnesium Borate Nanowhiskers. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2014, 2, 836-845. (SCI. IF=4.642) (21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05)

[40] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, L.; Tian, G.-L.; Wang, R.; Zhang, H.; Piao, X.; Zhang, Q.* Flux and Surfactant Directed Facile Thermal Conversion Synthesis of Hierarchical Porous MgO for Efficient Adsorption and Catalytic Growth of Carbon Nanotubes. CrystEngComm., 2014, 16, 308-318. (SCI. IF=4.034) (21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05) <晶体学二区>Cover Article

[39] Zhao MQ, Liu XF, Zhang Q, Tian GL, Huang JQ, Zhu WC, Wei F. Graphene/single-walled carbon nanotube hybrids: One-step catalytic growth and applications for high-rate Li-S batteries. ACS Nano 2012, 6(12): 10759–10769.<SCI, IF=12.062, 化学类、工程类、纳米类、物理类一区>

[38] Huang JQ, Liu XF, Zhang Q, Chen CM, Zhao MQ, Zhang SM, Zhu WC, Qian WZ, Wei F. Entrapment of Sulfur in Hierarchical Porous Graphene for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries with High Rate Performance from -40 to 60 oC. Nano Energy. 2013 2(2): 314-321. (SCI检索,新期刊)

[37] Zhang SM, Zhang Q, Huang JQ, Liu XF, Zhu WC, Zhao MQ, Qian WZ, Wei F. Composite Cathode Containing SWCNT@S Coaxial Nanocables: Facile Synthesis, Surface Modification, and Enhanced Performance for Li-ion Storage. Particle & Particle System Characterization. 2013, 30(2): 158-165. (SCI检索,新期刊)

[36] Huang JQ, Zhang Q, Zhang SM, Liu XF, Zhu WC, Qian WZ, Wei F. Carbon nanotube@sulfur coaxial arrays asymmetrically modified by polymer barrier for high efficient sulfur cathodes. Carbon 2013, 58, 99-106. (SCI期刊,IF=5.868,工程类一区)

[35] Cheng XB, Tian GL, Liu XF, Nie JQ, Zhao MQ, Huang JQ, Zhu WC, Hu L, Zhang Q*, Wei F. Robust growth of herringbone carbon nanofibers from layered double hydroxides and their applications as anodes for Li-ion batteries. Carbon 2013, 62, 393-404. (SCI期刊,IF=5.868,工程类一区)

[34] Liu XY, Peng HJ, Zhang Q, Liu XF, Huang JQ, Zhu WC, Wei F. The use of carbon nanotubes and carbon black as conductive pastes in the cathode for Li-ion battery. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2013, DOI: 10.1021/sc400239u. (SCI检索,新期刊)

[33] Zhang, C.; Zhu, W.C.; Li, S.; Wu, G.; Ma, X.; Wang, X.; Gong, J. Sintering-resistant Ni-based reforming catalysts obtained via the nanoconfinement effect. Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 9383-9385. (SCI. IF=6.38)<化学类二区>

[32] Zhu, W.C.*; Cui, X.; Liu, X.; Zhang, L.; Huang, J-Q.; Piao, X.; Zhang, Q.*. Hydrothermal evolution, optical and electrochemical properties of hierarchical porous hematite nanoarchitectures. Nanoscale Res. Lett.,2013, 8:2. (SCI. IF=2.524)(21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05) <材料类二区>

[31] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Q.;Xiang, L.; Zhu, S. Subunit contribution model for borates thermodynamic properties and its application in the hydrothermal synthesis of MgBO2(OH) nanowhiskers. CIESC Journal, 2013, 64(2):443-451. (In Chinese)

朱万诚, 张学一, 张强, 向兰, 朱慎林. 硼酸盐热力学基元贡献模型及在MgBO2(OH)纳米晶须水热合成过程分析中应用. 化工学报,2013, 64(2):443-451.(21276141) (EI收录)

[30] Long, Y.; Hui, J.F.; Wang, P.P.; Xiang, G.L.; Xu, B.; Hu, S.; Zhu, W.C.;Lv, X.Q.; Zhuang, J.; Wang, X. Hydrogen Bond Nanoscale Networks Showing Switchable Transport Performance. Scientific Report. 2012, DOI: 10.1038/srep00612.

[29] Liu, X.; Huang, J.-Q.; Zhang, Q.*; Liu, X.-Y.; Peng, H.-J.; Zhu, W.C.*; Wei, F.* N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone-assisted solvothermal synthesis of nanosize orthorhombic lithium iron phosphate with improved Li-storage performance. J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 18908. (SCI. IF=6.10) <化学类二区>

[28] Liu, X.; Zhu, W.C.*; Cui, X.; Liu, Tao.; Zhang, Q. Facile thermal conversionroute synthesis, characterization, and optical properties of rod-like micron nickel borate. Powder Technol., 2012, 222, 160-166. (SCI. IF=2.024) <工程类三区>

[27] Zhu, W.C.*; Liang, Z.; Liu, X.; Zhang, H.; Zheng, Y.; Piao, X.; Zhang, Q. Soft-template self-assembly of hierarchical mesoporous SrCO3 by low-temperature hydrothermal route and their application as adsorbents for methylene blue and heavy metal ions. Powder Technol.,2012, 226, 165-172. (SCI. IF=2.024) <工程类三区>

[26] Zhu, W.C.; Yang, Y.; Hu, S.; Xiang, G.; Xu, B.; Zhuang, J.; Wang X*. (Ni,Mg)3Si2O5(OH)4 Solid-Solution Nanotubes Supported Sub-0.06 wt% Pd as Robust High Efficiency Catalyst for Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions. Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51, 6020-6031. (SCI. IF=4.593)<化学类二区>

[25] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, X.; Wang, X.L.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, Q.*; Xiang, L. Short Belt-like Ca2B2O5·H2O Nanostructures: Hydrothermal Formation, FT-IR, Thermal Decomposition, and Optical Properties. J. Cryst. Growth, 2011, 332, 81-86. (SCI. IF=1.726) <材料类三区>

[24] Zhu, W.C.*; Wang, X.L.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, Q.*. Hierarchical Laminar Superstructures of Rhombic Priceite (Ca4B10O19·7H2O): Facile Hydrothermal Synthesis, Shape Evolution, Optical and Thermal Decomposition Properties. Cryst. Growth & Des.,2011, 11, 2935-2941. (SCI. IF=4.72)<化学类二区>

[23] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, L.Y.; Cui, X.L.; Zhang, Q.* Efficient Synthesis of Orthorhombic Lithium Borate Hydroxide Micro-rods and their Thermal Conversion to Lithium Borate. Powder Technol.,2011, 210, 67-72. (SCI. IF=2.08)<工程类三区>

[22] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, Q.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, S. Repair the Pores and Preserve the Morphology: Formation of High Crystallinity 1D Nanostructures via the Thermal Conversion Route.Cryst. Growth & Des.,2011, 11, 709-718. (SCI. IF=4.72)<化学类二区>

[21] Zhu, W.C.*; Cui, X.L.; Wang, L.; Liu, T.; Zhang, Q*. Monodisperse porous pod-like hematite: hydrothermal formation, optical absorbance, and magnetic properties. Mater. Lett., 2011, 65, 1003-1006. (SCI. IF=2.307)<材料学三区>

[20] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, Q.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, S. Green Coprecipitation Byproduct Assisted Thermal Conversion Route to Submicron Mg2B2O5 Whiskers. CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 1654-1663. (SCI. IF=3.842)<化学类二区,晶体学二区>

[19] Zhu, W.C.*;  Zhang, G.L.; Liu, C.M.; Zhang, Q.; Zhu, S. Hierarchical Strontium Carbonate Submicron Spheres Self-assembled under Hydrothermal Conditions. Cryst. Res. Technol., 2010, 45, 845-850. (SCI. IF=0.946)<晶体学四区>

[18]Zhu, W.C.*;Li, G.D.; Zhang, Q.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, S. Hydrothermal Mass Production of MgBO2(OH) Nanowhiskers and Subsequent Thermal Conversion to Mg2B2O5 Nanorods for Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Resins Reinforcement. Powder Technol.,2010, 203, 265-271. (SCI. IF=1.887)<工程类三区>

[17] Zhang, Q.; Zhao, M.Q.; Tang, D.M.; Li, F.; Huang, J.Q.; Liu, B.L.; Zhu, W.C.; Zhang, Y.H.; Wei, F. Carbon-Nanotube-Array Double Helices. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2010, 122, 3724-3727. (SCI. IF=12.73)<化学类一区>

[16] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, G.L.; Li, J.; Zhang, Q.*; Piao, X.L.; Zhu, S. Hierarchical Mesoporous SrCO3 Submicron Spheres Derived from Reaction-Limited Aggregation Induced “Rod-to-Dumbbell-to-Sphere” Self-Assembly. CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 1795-1802. (SCI. IF=4.006) <化学类二区>

[15] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhu, S.L.; Xiang, L.* Successive Effect of Rolling Up, Oriented Attachment and Ostwald Ripening on the Hydrothermal Formation of Szaibelyite MgBO2(OH) Nanowhiskers.CrystEngComm,2009, 11, 1910-1919. (SCI. IF=4.183) <化学类二区>

[14] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, X.Y; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, S.L. Hydrothermal Formation of the Head-to-head Coalesced Szaibelyite MgBO2(OH) Nanowires. Nanoscale Res. Lett., 2009, 4: 724-731. (SCI. IF=2.894)< 材料类二区>

[13] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, Q.; Xiang, L.*; Wei, F.; Sun, X.T.; Piao, X.L.; Zhu, S.L. Flux-assisted Thermal Conversion Route to Pore-free High Crystallinity Magnesium Borate Nanowhiskers at a Relatively Low Temperature. Cryst. Growth & Des.,2008, 8(8): 2938-2945. (SCI. IF=4.215) <化学类二区>

[12] Zhu, W.C.*; Xiang, L.*; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, X.Y.; Hu, L.; Zhu, S.L. Morphology Preservation and Crystallinity Improvement in the Thermal Conversion Route to Magnesium Borate Nanowhiskers at a Relatively Low Temperature. J. Cryst. Growth,2008,310:4262-4267. (SCI. IF=1.757) <晶体学三区>

[11] He, T.B.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, W.C.; Zhu, S.L. H2SO4-assisted Hydrothermal Preparation of γ-AlOOH Nanorods. Mater. Lett., 2008, 62 (17-18):2939-2942. (SCI. IF=1.748) <材料类二区>

[10] Sun, X.T.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, W.C.;Liu, Q. Influence of Solvents on the Hydrothermal Formation of Magnesium Hydroxide Fibers. Cryst. Res. Technol., 2008,43(10),1057-1061.(SCI. IF=0.921) <晶体学四区>

[9] Sun, X.T.; Shi, W.T.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, W.C. Controllable Synthesis of Magnesium Oxysulfate Nanowires with Different Morphologies. Nanoscale Res. Lett.,2008,3(10),386-389.(SCI. IF=1.731) <材料类三区>

[8] Zhu, W.C.; Xiang, L.*; Zhang, X.Y.; Zhu, S.L. Influence of Process Parameters on Hydrothermal Formation of Magnesium Borate Hydroxide Nanowhiskers. Mater. Res. Innov., 2007, 11(4):188-192. (SCI. IF=1.723; EI 9840066)

[7] Zhu, W.C.; Xiang, L.*; He, T.B.; Zhu, S.L. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of Magnesium Borate Hydroxide Nanowhiskers. Chem. Lett., 2006, 35(10): 1158-1159. (SCI. IF=1.734) <化学类三区>

[6] Zhu, W.C.; Chen, J.; Wang, Y. Experimental study on the synthesis of ultra-fine calcium carbonate whiskers in rotating packed bed reactor. Mater. Sci. & Technol., 2005, 13(1):30-33,+37.(In Chinese)

朱万诚,陈建峰,王玉红,旋转填充床中合成微细晶须碳酸钙的试验研究,材料科学与工艺2005,1, 3(1):30-3, 3+37.(EI.05179069967)

[5] Zhu, W.C.; Chen, J.; Wang, Y. Synthesis and Characterization of Ultra-fine Calcium Carbonate Whiskers in High-Gravity. Chinese J Chem. Phys., 2004, 17(2): 175-178. (In Chinese)


[4] Zhu, W.C.; Chen, J. Progress in synthesis of calcium carbonate whiskers. Modern Chemical Industry, 2004, 24(n suppl.): 21-22+24.(In Chinese)

朱万诚陈建峰,晶须碳酸钙的合成进展,现代化工2004, 24(n suppl.): 21-22+24.(EI.04448437185)

[3] Zhu, W.C.; Chen, J.; Wang, Y. On The Crystal Progress and Product Stability of the Ultrafine Calcium Carbonate Whiskers in High- Gravity Field. J. Qufu Normal Univ., 2003, 29(4): 77-81. (In Chinese)

朱万诚陈建峰,王玉红,超重力场中微细晶须碳酸钙结晶过程及产品稳定性研究,曲阜师范大学学报(自然科学版)2003, 29(4):77-81.

[2] Zhu, W.C.; Wang, Y.; Chen, J. Synthesis of Ultra-fine Needle-like Calcium Carbonate Particles by High-Gravity Reactive Precipitation. J. Chem. Eng. Chinese Univ., 2002, 16(5):560-564. (In Chinese)

朱万诚王玉红,陈建峰,超重力反应结晶法合成微细针状碳酸钙研究,高校化学工程学报2002, 16(5):560-564.

[1] Zhu, W.C.; Wang, Y.; Chen, J.; Shi, Y. Synthesis of ultra-fine needle-like calcium carbonate particles by high-gravity technology and its characterization. J. Beijing Univ. Chem. Technol., 2002,29(5):16-18+24. (In Chinese)

朱万诚王玉红,陈建峰,施用唏,微细针状碳酸钙的超重力法制备及表征,北京化工大学学报2002,29(5):16-18+24. (EI.02497258212)


[22] 朱万诚. 碱土金属纳米硼酸盐:从基础热力学到定向生长、可控组装及应用开发. 第七届全球华人化工学者研讨会, 天津大学, 天津, 2015.07.12-15, 口头.

[21] Zhang, Z.Q.; Chen, X.P.; Zhu, L.; Zhang, H.; Zhu, W.C.* Alkaline Metal Borates Nanostructures: 1D Preferential Growth, 3D Self-assembly, and Applications in Water Treatment and Catalysis. 8 th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2015), 28 June-03 July, 2015, Singapore. (Oral)

[20]Zhu,W.C.*. Hydrothermal-thermal conversion route to Mg2B2O5 nanowhiskers: from fundamental thermodynamics to green engineering practice. The 4th International Symposium on Aqua Science and Water Resource (ISASWR2014)Aug. 14-16, 2014, Taiyuan, China. (IL-3-8, 邀请报告, 分会主席) 21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05

[19]朱万诚*, 张照强, 王汝国, 朱山林, 王晓丽, 张晓, 张历云, 张强. /碱土金属硼酸盐:从基础热力学数据估算到绿色水热合成及组装. 第六届全球华人化工学者研讨会,2014,7, 16-19, 香港科技大学(HKUST), 香港, 中国. 21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05

[18] Zhu,W.C.*; Wang, R.; Zhu, S.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, Q.* Green, Noncorrosive, Easy Scale-Up Hydrothermal-Thermal Conversion: A Feasible Solution to Mass Production of Magnesium Borate Nanowhiskers. The 7th World Congress of Particle Technology, 19-22, May, 2014, Beijing, China.21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05(E266)

[17] Zhang, L.; Zhu,W.C.*, Zhang, H.; Zhang, Q*. Hydrothermal-thermal conversion synthesis of hierarchical porous MgO microrods as efficient adsorbents for Pb (II) and Cr (VI) removal. The 7th World Congress of Particle Technology, 19-22, May, 2014, Beijing, China. 21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05(E265)

[16] Zhu,W.C.*; Yang, Y.; Hu, S.; Wang, X. (Ni,Mg)3Si2O5(OH)4 Solid-Solution Nanotubes: Controllable Hydrothermal Synthesis and Supported Catalytic Application. The 3rd Conference on Nanomaterials (CN 2014). Jan. 14-15, 2014, Shenzhen, China.21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05(ID 60250)

[15] Zhang, L.; Tian, G.-L.; Wang, R.; Zhang, H.; Piao, X.; Zhang, Q.*; Zhu,W.C.*. Hierarchical Porous MgO: Flux and Surfactant Directed Facile Thermal Conversion Synthesis and Application for Adsorption and Catalytic Growth of Carbon Nanotubes. EnerParticle2013, (3rd Symposium of Particulate Energy Materials, Chinese Particuology Society, 2013年能源颗粒前沿-暨第三届全国能源颗粒材料学术研讨会会议), Dec. 13-15, 2013, Beijing, China.21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05(Poster-22).

[14] Zhang, Z.; Wang, R.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, L.; Nie, Y.; Zhang, Q.*; Zhu, W.*Ionothermal-Thermal Conversion Synthesis and Application of Hierarchical Porous MgBO2(OH)/Mg2B2O5 Superstructures. EnerParticle2013, (3rd Symposium of Particulate Energy Materials, Chinese Particuology Society, 2013年能源颗粒前沿-暨第三届全国能源颗粒材料学术研讨会会议), Dec. 13-15, 2013, Beijing, China.21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05(Poster-11).

[13]朱林、朱万诚、黄佳琦、程新兵、彭翃杰、何濂远、元喆、张强.用于高能量密度的锂硫电池的碳纳米管基正极材料. 2013年能源颗粒前沿-暨第三届全国能源颗粒材料学术研讨会会议, 2013, 12, 13-15, 北京.Poster-27

[12]Zhu,W.C.*; Wang, X.L.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Q. Calcium borates nanostructures : hydrothermal formation, self-assembly, thermal conversion, and properties. UK-China International Particle Technology Forum IV (UCIPTF IV). Shanghai, China, 2013, Oct. 15-17. 21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05(Oral-ABS039). 

[11]朱万诚*, 王汝国, 朱山林, 张琳琳, 张强.硼酸镁纳米晶须的无腐蚀绿色水热合成及性能. 2013中国化工学会年会9, 23-25, 南京.21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05(化工新材料分会场-Oral).

[10] 朱万诚*, 张琳琳, 张照强, 张强. 纳米结构材料湿化学-热转化法合成过程中的形貌保持及结构调变. 国际化学工程前沿展望-第五届全球华人化工学者研讨会, 2013,7,22-25, 西安.21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05(Oral-67)

[9]Zhu,W.C.*; Zhang, L.; Wang, X.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Q. Alkaline-earth borates & oxides: wet-chemistry based thermal conversion route synthesis, properties and applications. Collaborative Conference on Crystal Growth (3CG 2013 Meeting), Cancun, Mexico, June 10-13, 2013. (21276141, SKL-ChE-12A05) (Invited, B8, 邀请报告)

[8]张琳琳, 刘晓斐, 田桂丽, 梁作中, 张强, 朱万诚*. 多级多孔氧化镁超结构:热转化合成、形成机制及应用. 中国化学会第28届学术年会2012, 4, 13-16, 成都. (04-P-157).

[7] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, G.L.; Wang, X.L.; Zhang, L.Y. Hydrothermal Technology: an Intensified Process for Nanoparticles Growth and Assembly. The International Conference on Process Intensification for Sustainable Chemical Industries (ICPI 2011), June, 26-29, 2011, Beijing, China. (Oral: S1-O-4)

[6] Zhu, W.C.*; Xiang, L.; Zhu, S.L. Formation of pore-free magnesium borate nanowhiskers and their reinforcement for BOPP-D1 resins. 2nd International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference (ISHA-2010), Beijing, China, July, 2010. (Oral: 2O-09)

[5] 朱万诚, 向兰, 朱慎林. 水热-焙烧法制备无孔硼酸镁纳米晶须. 中国化学会第27届学术年会, 2010, 6, 20-23, 厦门. (04-P-030)

[4] Zhu, W.C.; Xiang, L.; Zhang, X.Y.; Zhu, S.L. Influence of the precursor on the morphology of MgBO2(OH) nanowhiskers. International conference on nanoscience & technology, China 2007 (ChinaNANO 2007), Beijing, China, June, 2007. (Poster: 1P-502)

[3]朱万诚向兰,朱慎林.一维纳米碱式硼酸镁的形貌演变、择优取向生长及热分解特性. 第三届全国化学工程与生物化工年会,南宁,200611. (Oral: 730)

[2] Zhu, W.C.; Xiang, L.; Zhu, S.L. Hydrothermal synthesis of whisker-like magnesium borate hydroxide (MgBO2(OH))nanoflakes. The 17th international congress of chemical and process engineering (CHISA 2006), Prague, Czech Republic, August, 2006. (Oral: 1009, EI. 074010843467)

[1] Zhu, W.C.; Xiang, L.; He, T.B.; Zhu, S.L. Influence of process parameters on the hydrothermal formation of magnesium borate hydroxide nanowhiskers. International joint meeting of the eighth international symposium on hydrothermal reactions (ISHR-8) and seventh international conference on solvothermal reactions (ISHR & ICSTR 2006), Sendai, Japan, August, 2006. (Poster: P-065)


[10] 朱万诚,张照强,张恒,朱林,张强. 一种水合及无水多级多孔硼酸钙微球的低温水热-热转化合成方法. 发明专利,申请号:201510198818.3.

[9] 朱万诚,张照强,于游,王汝国,张琳琳,朱林,张强. 一种微球状多孔碱式硼酸镁及硼酸镁纳米超结构的离子热合成方法. 2014.8, 中国, 申请号: 201410399152.3.

[8] 朱万诚王汝国,朱山林,张琳琳,张强.一种无孔高结晶硼酸镁纳米晶须的绿色水热合成方法. 2014.1, 中国,申请号: 201410034281.2,公开号: CN103774208A.

[7] 向兰,朱万诚朱慎林. 一种硼酸镁晶须的水热合成制备方法. 2008.3, 中国, ZL 200610113032.8.

[6] 向兰,朱万诚朱慎林. 一种无孔高结晶硼酸镁晶须的低温熔盐热转化制备方法. 2010.9, 中国, ZL 200810102550.9.

[5] 张学一,朱万诚向兰. 一维微-纳米结构材料特征尺寸测量软件V1.0. 计算机软件著作权登记证书. 登记号: 2007SRBJ1573.

[4] 向兰,何涛波,高立东,朱万诚朱慎林. 一种水热-熔剂工艺制备一维氧化铝纤维的方法. 中国, ZL 200710177969.6.

[3] 魏飞,张强,黄佳琦,朱万诚. 一种基于氧化处理分离碳纳米管阵列与基板的方法. 2010.12, 中国, ZL 200810119666.3.

[2] 魏飞、黄佳琦、张强、刘晓斐、朱万诚. 一种锂离子电池用自支撑柔性碳纳米管纸复合电极材料. 中国, 申请号: 201210046590.2.

[1] 魏飞、黄佳琦、张强、刘晓婓、张书锚、朱万诚. 一种用于锂硫二次电池的定向碳纳米管复合正极材料. 中国, 申请号: 201210046593.6.  

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   要么不做,做就做好;坦诚做人,用心做事,快乐生活 ^_^


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